Holiday discussion is not what brought you to this evening's post. What drew you in was the snappy title! That's right folks, I am going to participate in another squat challenge. I cross my heart and pinkie promise that I will NOT get pregnant this time around. I'm more excited than any one person should be to begin this squat challenge. I'm going to get weird looks from my co-workers when my squat accomplishments become my talking point at lunch time. That's okay with me because I feel so free!
I was six weeks postpartum on Thursday. My check up went well and I am cleared to resume my normal activities. I already knew I was going to register for kickball again this year, but I had no clue what else I was going to do as a daily exercise to get back in the workout groove. Then another new mama in the MLFC mentioned she wanted to start working out again and wanted to do a squat challenge. I jumped on board and we decided to cheer each other on. It caught on and now other lovely ladies are joining us. We start tomorrow.
Here is the schedule if you would like join us too.
My fellow new-mama found this schedule through a Google search (and I just tried to find the original source but it brings me to a Pinterest board).
Tomorrow starts off with 50 squats. I think after carrying a probably 10 pound baby in a baby carrier up and down stairs more than once today that tomorrow's squats will be slightly less difficult than I anticipate. My fingers are crossed.
I hope you join us. It's going to be fun. Really, I promise. And don't forget to take a before and after picture because you'll be amazed by the results. I've seen some pretty powerful pictures.
Hugs and love,