Thursday, May 31, 2012

Le Sick

It figures. The end of the school year is approaching and summer vacation is close. How do I get to celebrate? With a cold! It was only a matter of time before it got me. The sniffles, coughs and stomach virus were spreading like wild fire through the kindergarteners. I hope it get over this by Sunday.

I cannot wait to sign up for spin and Zumba classes tomorrow. I'm actually considering whether or not to stay up until 12 a.m. so I can grab my spots fast. I'm told the classes get filled up quickly. It will be great to have something to look forward to every day this summer. I'll let you all know how it goes!

I also have had two great Weight Watchers days. When I did the program before in 2007 I stuck to those points like nobody's business. I was a point counting fiend. Lately, I've been pretty lax with counting my points. This is a silly thing to do considering that in a week's time I could lose a pound just by eating correctly. My very first week of Weight Watchers resulted in a 6 pound weight loss. Next Thursday morning is my weigh in (I do the program online, by the way). Let's hope the report is good. If I stick to the plan, it should be.

My week's goals:

1. Stick to tracking my Points.
2. Sign up for spin and Zumba classes.
3. Make a visual reminder of my weight loss goal.
4. Write down a mini goal.

Well I hope everyone else is in good health! Enjoy your Friday.

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