Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day 3 Struggle

Hello lovelies! Um, where did Saturday go? I know I caught up on a lot of sleep, but from 2:00 p.m. on today has just flown by. Hopefully tomorrow is just a slow, lazy day. I'm not ready to go back to work on Monday and walk into an empty classroom. Here's to finding out where I'll be teaching or what grade I'll be teaching by Monday or Tuesday. The wait is killing me.

It is Day 3 of my Monavie RVL life style change. It's been going  pretty well minus the cupcake from yesterday's class party and the s'more I had today with my parents. I'm not going to lie, it's been a struggle though. I find myself constantly going to the fridge to find something to eat when I'm bored. When I do that, I look at my mini blender and remind myself that I spent money on my shakes, they are good for me, and I have to break this habit of going to food for any kind of comfort.

Today was supposed to be a walking day with my dad, but we got rained out. I was looking forward to that too. We're set for tomorrow though. The rain better stay away because it's messing with my exercise. I could get off my lazy butt and do my Walk Away the Pounds dvd, but outside is so much better.

Also, I have to start running. Love my dad and all, but there are times when I get fast enough at the end of my walk and I just want to break out in a run. I feel bad leaving him behind, but at the same time I don't want to ignore that urge to run. Perhaps I could jog for a bit and then walk in place until he catches up? This is why I have problems working out with a buddy. I love having a buddy because it keeps me motivated and accountable, but my buddy and I are never on the same pace. I've gone through 3 buddies too.  We'll see how it goes.

Tomorrow the hubs and I are having a date day that includes lunch, Home Depot and the bookstore. I know, we're an exciting couple. I have to be a good girl and eat sensible food at lunch and make sure I only sip on my shake for dinner. Perhaps I'll try a pumpkin flavored recipe I found. Variety is the spice of life!  It's also easier to sip dinner than eat it when reading a new romance novel because ya'll know that is what I'm purchasing from the bookstore.

So now the question is hunky special ops character or hunky highlander character? Or maybe I'll just go for the book Men in Kilts and get some laughs in with my romance. Hmm...

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